Strategic Objectives

To abolish Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

To promote respect for human dignity and equality of all human beings.

To empower the Kurya society to accept positive changes that will enhance their development.

To prepare good leaders who stand for justice, truth, accountability, transparency and gender equality.

To form smaller ATFGM groups in various parts of Tanzania for achieving the objectives above.

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Specific Objectives:

To create community awareness of the emotional, psychological, and physical risks associated with FGM/C and early marriages, and violation of fundamental human rights, as well as the laws of United Republic of Tanzania.

To empower the Kurya society to accept positive changes that will enhance their development.

To provide a culturally acceptable alternative rite to FGM/C.

Provide a safety for girls unwilling to undergo FGM/C and early marriage for further education

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Girl child enrolment and retention in primary schools.

Community dialogue on female related issues.

Formation of adolescence clubs and small groups at lower levels.

Introduction of guidance and counselling activities in schools.

Regular alternative rite of passage ceremonies in the communities.

Partner support in anti FGM/early marriage activities.

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Government Officials - These are the policy implementers at community level and are resource persons in enforcement of the policies/laws

Health workers and teachers will teach reproductive health issues and help in forming human rights clubs in schools

Local authorities – elected local authorities officials are decision makers at community level and will help the project to be heard

Advocates of the civil rights of community members they will assist in mobilization and sensitization of community members

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Join The Movement To end Female Genital Mutilation

The Association for Termination of Female Genital Mutilation’s Mission is to promote and to protect the quality of life, the rights and dignity of girls and women, and to insure their freedom from all coercion..

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